Before & After School Care

Summit Academy’s Before and After School Care program provides students with a safe and enriching environment while parents are at work. It is not an instructional time for students, although time is allotted for homework after school. Students will be encouraged to socialize and play.

Before and After School Care program is available every day that school is in session. After School Care hours are 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. Before School Care hours are 7:30 - 8:00 a.m. You may choose a 3 day plan or a 5 day plan. DROP-INS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. ​ 

Registration Form

Please fill out the form below to register your student for before and/or after school care. Note that you must sign up if you plan on using our services at any point. You do not have to use the days you sign up for, however, you will be charged for the plan regardless of use.

DATES: First day of school – last full day of school

‣ Before School Care: 7:30 – 8:00 a.m.
‣ After School Care: 3:00 – 5:30 p.m.

Before & After School Care is offered on regular schedule, in-person school days only. This excludes early dismissal and delayed schedule days. 

3 Days – $20 per week
5 Days – $30 per week

3 Days – $75 per week
5 Days – $100 per week

  • Discounts will not be applied for missed days.
  • Late fees will apply if you are more than 5 minutes late picking up your student (after 5:30PM). These fees will be billed on your monthly payment.
  • Payments will be processed via FACTS.
  • Billing questions – contact Renee Lindsey 244-7090 or
  • Standard late fees will apply to unpaid invoices.
  • Late pickup fee is $1.00 per minute for every minute you are late after 5:35 p.m. Chronic lateness for pickup can result in dismissal from the program.

Students must be signed in to Before School Care each morning. If your student is not old enough to sign themselves in, you must park, bring them in, and sign in.

You (or anyone authorized by you on the Pick-Up Authorization Form) must sign out your student each day. It is recommended that you call 544-2942 to confirm the location of students. 

3:00 – 3:15
Students in Grades 1-8 are dismissed and signed in by staff

3:15 – 3:45
Nutritious snack and drink provided.

3:45 – 4:15
Games, enrichment activities, projects and crafts, free play, playground, and/or computer time.

4:15 – 5:00
Students are encouraged to work on homework, if applicable. Others will be given quiet enrichment activities.

5:00 – 5:30
Free play or computer time and enrichment activities. 

Behavioral expectations for the Tree House program are congruent with the expectations for the regular school day. Students are expected to self-regulate and maintain appropriate interactions with staff and other students. Students are expected to show respect for others at all times, including the property, space, and feelings of others. Any behavior including language that could or does result in the physical or emotional harm to self or others will not be tolerated. If there are recurring behavioral issues with a student, the Tree House staff will alert the Principal, and together determine the proper course of action.

Consequences for unexpected behavior may include in this order:

Offense #
1. Time out
2. Parent contact
3. Loss of privilege/free-time during the regular school day
4. Student conference with principal
5. Suspension from Before/After School Care program
6. Dismissal from Before/After School Care program

* Principal reserves the right to immediately dismiss students from in extraordinary situations.

Concurrent with school policy, cell phones will be kept in back packs and will be off limits during After School Care. If you have an emergency, please call 544-2942 and we will relay the message to your student. 

