Reported cases of COVID-19 at Summit Academy
UPDATED 1/27/21
# positive | # ACTIVE | # RECOVERED |
11 | 0 | 11 |
# positive | # ACTIVE | # RECOVERED |
8 | 1 | 7 |
- MON (11/23) - All school Remote Learning
- TUES (11/24) - Half day (Math/Literacy)
- MON (11/30) - Half day (Math/Literacy), materials pick-up/drop-off (1-4p)
- MON (12/7) - Grades K-5 possible return to in-person instruction
- TUES (1/5) - Students return from winter break as scheduled
Dear Summit Academy Families:
Our faculty and staff would like nothing more than to have your children back on campus for the beginning of school. While everyone looks forward to summer break, come fall, we also yearn for the return of students to our classrooms and hallways. Nothing starts a day off better than watching the kiddos exit your vehicles with smiles of excitement in anticipation of another great day at Summit.
As always, our first priority is the educational, social and emotional well-being of all of our students, faculty and staff, and our greater school community. For obvious reasons, the medical well being of our community has taken precedence this year. Thus, our decision to begin the school year with Remote Learning followed by a graduated reintroduction to in-person education plan for the weeks ahead. We have had communications from many of you and please know that we understand and share in your disappointment over not being able to fully open in-person on day one.
An advantage of Summit Academy has always been our intentionally small enrollment and the ability to be flexible and to adapt. Our commitment to small class sizes lends itself to the ability to physically distance within the classroom and hallways. This has factored into our decision to return to in-person education prior to September 28.
We understand that some families feel more comfortable keeping their students at home. We will continue to offer live streaming learning options for families interested in an extended Remote Learning program. If you desire to continue with Remote Learning please contact Rebecca Hoffmann. Once a student chooses to participate via Remote Learning they will need to give a minimum of one week’s notice to transition to in-person.
We have created COVID-19 safety protocols as recommended by the CDC, the Louisville Metro Health Department and Kentucky’s Healthy at School guidelines. We are prepared to welcome students back on campus and we need your help to be safe and effective in order to remain open. It is imperative that you continue to monitor the health of your student and family. You are expected to follow the Wellness Screening and other guidelines provided in the Family Handbook and other communications with regards to sending your child to school.
Below is our schedule for returning to campus in-person. Please note that this schedule is subject to change if the need arises due to local or internal COVID-19 concerns.
Each grade level returns to in-person school on their specified day only.
The remainder of the week will continue with Remote Learning.
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 - All students may be on campus in-person
▶︎ Temperatures will be taken prior to exiting vehicles
▶︎ Students will wear masks at all times, except when eating or directed by teacher
▶︎ Teachers will extensively review mask, hygiene and spacing expectations
▶︎ No Monday/Friday lunch service until the week of Sept. 14
▶︎ Lunches to be brought in disposable paper sacks - no microwaves available
▶︎ Water bottles to be brought daily by students as fountains will be closed
▶︎ Playgrounds will be designated based on hallway groupings
▶︎ Masks and physical distancing are expectations on the playgrounds
As you should have noticed, our synchronized Remote Learning schedule is more robust with live instruction throughout the day, including special areas. More time for socialization has also been built into the day to create a greater level of connectivity while learning at home. Additional services such as Occupational Therapy (Ms. Cindy) and Speech Therapy (Ms. Gail) will be included as well. Individual students may be scheduled to come to school for testing during the Remote Learning period. These adjustments are in response to your feedback.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school! While we are starting remotely, we want to express how much our faculty and staff are excited to have everyone back on campus in the weeks ahead.
Warm regards,
Douglas L. Strothman, Head of School
Rebecca Hoffmann, Principal
Dear Summit Academy Families:
We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school! While we are starting remotely, we want to express how much our faculty and staff are excited to have everyone back on campus in the weeks ahead.
We also appreciate all of the support and constructive feedback we have received from you. We fully understand that there is no one right answer to satisfy everyone’s beliefs and wishes for their child’s education at this time. As school leadership, it is our charge to uphold the mission of our school and to assist our team in providing a transformative educational experience in a safe, healthy and nurturing environment. Be it in-person or remotely, our goal is to meet the educational, social, and emotional needs of our students.
The purpose for the communication sent on Tuesday was to inform everyone of our decision to start the school year remotely. With school beginning in one week, we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to prepare accordingly. In just a couple of days time, there has been a lot of movement amongst the private and parochial schools to open in-person as scheduled. While we want to proceed cautiously, we are in the process of finalizing an accelerated plan for a return to in-person schooling. We appreciate your patience and understanding and you can expect an update early next week.
Starting the year remotely will surely create some anxiety, including for our team. We can only imagine how our new students and families must feel. Thus, we want to begin the first day with a community building opportunity.
Wednesday’s drop off/pick up plans remain as scheduled. Thursday, our first day of school, will be an opportunity for a physically distanced in-person introduction. This will take place on the back lawn of our campus. Simply find a place to park and you will be directed to your grouping.
We are scheduling times for each homeroom to participate in an outdoor meet and greet with their teachers and classmates on Thursday, August 20. The schedule and details for grades 1-12 are as follows:
- 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. Primary (1-3) Homerooms
- 10:15 - 11:00 a.m. Middle (6-8) Homerooms
- 11:30 - 12:15 p.m. High School Homerooms
- 1:15 - 2:00 p.m. Intermediate (4 & 5) Homerooms
In order to ensure the health and safety of our students, families, and staff, we ask that all participants adhere to the following expectations:
- Only one parent or guardian, and no siblings, must attend with their student
- Masks are to be worn, but they can be lowered for introductions
- Exit campus promptly afterwards as we will need the parking for the next group
- If you are unable or do not desire to attend, please email your child’s teacher to let them know
Remote Learning will begin on Friday, August 21. Included below is an updated schedule for each level in grades 1-12. You will notice a commitment to additional synchronized teaching time and the inclusion of all specials. Those grades which would normally receive OT and Speech will have virtual visits from Ms. Cindy and Ms. Gail as part of the day. These schedules have been built with consideration given to the feedback provided by parents during focus groups held over the summer.
We know that the last week has not been easy for anyone. As a school, we had plans and expectations for how the school year would start that had to be quickly adjusted. Again, we thank you for your patience, understanding, and feedback. We hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and look for additional communications next week.
Warmest regards,
Douglas L. Strothman , Head of School
Rebecca Hoffmann, Principal
Stephanie Cain, Director of Admissions and Academics
Dear Summit Academy Families:
After much deliberation and conversation with school leadership and our school’s Board of Trustees, Summit Academy will follow Governor Beshear’s recommendation by starting the school year via Remote Learning on Thursday, August 20. This decision is also in alignment with our fellow Kentucky independent schools. Though we are disappointed to not have our students on campus, we pledge to provide a quality Remote Learning experience.
While we will begin school remotely, we are prepared for in-person education on Monday, September 28. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or another administrator.
- The parent orientation video will be sent out on Monday, August 17. This video will address revised Remote Learning procedures and schedules, changes to the handbook, and other important information to help with a smooth transition to Remote Learning.
- ALL STUDENTS will have a drive-by drop-off/pickup of supplies on Wednesday, August 19 from 9:00-3:00. If already obtained, supplies other than those under the individual use section should be placed in the trunk or rear of the vehicle. Once pulled up to the designated space, a staff member will unload your student’s supplies. Materials and textbooks which need to go home for remote learning will be placed in your vehicle. No parent or student will be allowed in the building at this time.
Forms enclosed in the parent packet previously mailed out are due on or before Thursday, August 20, the first day of school. You may scan and email to, send via regular mail, or drop them off with your school supplies.
Over the weeks ahead and per our statement of mission, we will continue to seek opportunities to provide personal and transformative educational experiences as well as relationship building. Updates related to these opportunities will be communicated when available. Meanwhile, we look forward to “seeing” you next week!
Douglas L. Strothman
Head of School
Dear Summit Academy Families:
As you are likely aware, Governor Beshear announced yesterday that no public or private schools are to open until at least the third week of August. Thus, our originally scheduled opening of August 14 will not occur. Historically, Summit opens with a shortened week in an effort to successfully transition our students, and families, back into the school routine.
Our Phase 3 Reopening School Committee met this morning and adjusted our first day of school to Thursday, August 20. Our faculty and staff will return as originally scheduled on August 10 and we look forward to seeing everyone on the 20th.
Again, the safety and wellbeing of our students, parents and staff are at the center of our decision making process. We will continue to monitor communications and data related to COVID-19. Our next scheduled communication will be the release of our return to school document on or before Friday, August 7. Our desire is to have our plan formulated on the absolute latest information, recommendations and or mandates being provided by Governor Beshear’s office as well as the Kentucky Department of Education and the CDC. We are also referencing Kentucky’s “Healthy at School” guidelines as we formulate our plans.
We remain aligned with other Kentucky private schools (KAIS) in our commitment to open in-person. For those wanting a virtual learning option, we are able to provide that as well. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or another administrator.
- The PARENT ORIENTATION video will now be sent out on Monday, August 17. This video will address first day of school procedures, any changes to the handbook, and other important information to help with a smooth transition back to school.
- RETURNING STUDENTS in grades 2 - 12 will have a drive-by drop-off of supplies on Wednesday, August 19 from 9:00 - 2:00. All supplies should be placed in the trunk or rear of the vehicle. Once pulled up to the designated space, a staff member will unload your student’s supplies and deliver them to the appropriate classroom. No parent or student will be allowed in the building at this time.
- NEW STUDENTS and ANY STUDENTS IN KINDERGARTEN - 1ST GRADE will be allowed to go to their classrooms, accompanied by one parent or adult, on Wednesday, August 19 at the following designated times:
- 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. - K students whose last name begins with A - L
- 11:00 - 11:45 a.m. - K students whose last name begins with M - Z
- 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. - Grade 1 students whose last name begins with A - K
- 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. - Grade 1 students whose last name begins with L - Z
- 1:00 - 1:45 p.m. - NEW students in grades 2 - 12 whose last name begins with A - Me
- 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. - NEW students in grades 2 - 12 whose last name begins with Mi - Z
Medications should also be dropped off on Wednesday, August 19. We will have a designated tent in the parking lot to collect any medications that the students will or might need during the school day. This includes daily and emergency/as needed medications. A completed “Permission to Administer Medication” form must accompany each medication. One copy was included in the packet mailed home. Additional copies will be available upon request.
Other forms enclosed in the parent packet mailed out last week are now due on or before Thursday, August 20, the first day of school. You may scan and email them to, send via regular mail, or drop them off with your school supplies.
We look forward to seeing you all in the near future,
Douglas L. Strothman
Head of School
Dear New and Returning Summit Academy Families:
I trust this communication finds you well and your family is experiencing a healthy and enjoyable summer.
Yesterday evening we held the graduation ceremony for Summit High School’s Class of 2020 on our back lawn. The event was beautiful and we couldn’t be more proud of our newest alumni. This officially places a capstone on the previous school year, and as hard as it is to believe, we are only one month away from the beginning of the 2020-21 school year.
As always, the safety and wellbeing of our students, parents and staff are at the center of our decision making process. While we continue to monitor communications and data related to COVID 19, our desired plan at this time is to return to school in-person on Friday, August 14 as scheduled. Due to the fluidity of information regarding COVID 19, Summit Academy will release its complete return to school protocols on or before Friday, July 31. Our desire is to have our plan based on the absolute latest information, recommendations and/or mandates being provided by Governor Beshear’s office as well as the Kentucky Department of Education and the CDC. Our staff and faculty have been working hard on a safe return to school plan and we want to be as timely as possible when releasing details. We are updating our remote learning plans as well should that become necessary.
Maintaining a safe and healthy environment on campus will require everyone to be diligent and work together as a community. Given our intentionally small class sizes, we will be able to physically distance within our classrooms. Thus, under current guidelines, students will be required to wear a mask when entering into our buildings and moving about the halls, but once in their seats their masks can be removed if desired. To begin the process of preparing your student for the return to in-person schooling, we recommend finding a mask with which they are comfortable and begin the practice of having them wear one. Masks should be neat in appearance and not contain images which may be scary, offensive or distracting in nature.
Other steps Summit Academy is taking to insure a safe campus environment include:
- Students or staff displaying any signs of illness may not be at school.
- Temperature checks for all faculty and students will be performed each day.
- Students or staff who show signs of illness or have a temperature of 100.4 or higher at any time during the school day will be sent home.
- Students and faculty will be required to sanitize their hands on entering the building, before and after eating lunch or snack, and at various other times throughout the day.
- We have purchased an electrostatic misting sanitizer and the common areas will be sanitized throughout the day and classrooms will be done at the end of each day.
Should we return to in-person schooling and you desire a remote learning option due to medical or safety concerns, we ask that you contact Rebecca Hoffmann or myself to discuss such. Some of you have been proactive and those conversations have already begun. Just as we ask of our students, we too want to be flexible thinkers and seek ways to accommodate everyone's needs. We believe we have the technology infrastructure in place to provide alternative learning options. Our goal is to always find a way to say yes.
We will continue to release information as we are able. In the meantime, feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. We will work diligently to meet the needs of all students and staff as we promote a safe and healthy learning and working environment.
We look forward to seeing you all in the near future,
Douglas L. Strothman
Head of School
Dear Summit Parents and Students:
It is hard to believe another school year has come to a completion. And what a year it has been! The twenty-eighth year of Summit Academy has been truly unique and challenging. The pandemic and subsequent remote learning has reminded us all of the need to be flexible thinkers. While it wasn’t always easy, we believe we are better for the experience. We hope your family has found some positive outcomes as well.
I want to again take this opportunity to congratulate our graduates, the Class of 2020, as well as our 8th graders, Kindergartners and all of our Summit Eagles. We look forward to those who will be furthering their education at Summit in the fall and wish much success to those who are moving on.
We are in the process of closing out the current year while also making plans for 20-21. A multi-phase plan for the reopening of campus has been implemented. Phase #1 (May 26 - July5) has our buildings closed to visitors and non-essential vendors. Employees on campus will be limited as well. Should you need assistance during Phase #1 please call the school office at 502.244.7090. If no one is available leave a message and we will return your call within one business day.
Included in Phase #2 is the ability for parents, visitors and vendors to enter the building as needed. This phase will begin on Monday, July 6. Many of our staff will continue to work remotely so making an appointment is highly recommended. As state guidelines evolve we will continue to keep you informed should our plans be adjusted.
In adherence to the state’s Healthy at Work guidelines and to assure the safety of all, we will require everyone entering the building wear a mask (except children 5 and under). If a visitor does not have a mask one will be provided. Upon entry, a wellness screening will take place, which includes a temperature scan and a brief questionnaire.
Best wishes for a healthy and relaxing summer break,
Doug Strothman
Head of School